Hallo everyone....
Guten Morgen....! Alles gute....
Last year in 2016 I had a big experience for applying a visa. I wanna go to Germany for some months. I got a project from my scholarsip to do research collaboration with one university in Germany. On August 2016, I have had a agreement from Indonesian goverment to funding my research collaboration. I was very happy when I know that. I took the time to decide when I will depart to Germany. My professor said, you must go immediately, because in Germany is still summer and summer is good for you, because it is same with Indonesia's weather. Directly I said OK to my professor.
This picture was taken at my biochemistry laboratory (me, mas mas, Prof.Wayan, Bu Yuni, Dr. Rini, mb Diaz, mb nisa).
Tomorrow, I was loking for a cheap ticket for Jakarta city. I was a student, so I didn't have much money. I got a train ticket and go to Jakarta. Jakarta is the biggest city in Indonesia, so everything is so expensive than in Yogyakarta (my lovely city, most people said that every corner of Yogyakarta is so romantic.......wkwkwkwkwwk) That's right man. I think Yogyakarta is one of the cheapest city.
You know if you go to somewhere by train economic class, it is very tired and so much longger than by plane. I went to Jakarta in the night. I spent a night to arriving Jakarta.
This picture was taken in Jakarta (who knows this street?)
Hore.....eeee..I was arriving at Pasar senen station, wait....wait....what time what time...and whattttttt 03.50. It turned out, now was still dark. I didn't know what should I do, because I had no plan to going anywhere. Well...well and well...I must sleep here. Oh my gosh...how about my bag, my wallet, my phone. That all is my treasure. My eyes has been sleepy alias heavy (wkkwkwk). I tried to find a idea and I got it. I tied my bag to my arms. My phone and wallet entered to my underwear. And now....everythis is secure. Oh Shit....come on....the sun has been rising and shining. Many people looked to me...I felt stupid. There were no people sleeping on this way. Immediately, I woke up and ran to highway. I looked for Busway station. Where...where...Oh God..I must walk for a long distance. I was very tired at the time. I decided to take a taxi to Dikti office.
You must know where this picture I took
Tadaaaaaa........arrived at Kemenristek dikti office. I paid taxi and entered to the office. I met with two people at the receptionist. One of both said to me, what do you want mas?
I want to meet Mrs Yuni. She said "have you made a appointment? Yesssss....
Ok...this is your visitor sign. OH....sorry, you can't enter because you used T-shirt, you must use collared shirt.
Oh...God...what temptation is it?
I didn't know to resolving this problem. My face was pale and matted. I was so shy. God help me....
I tried to ask her, can I change my dress in toilet? she said: yes, toilet over there. I went to toilet. Suddenly, Hendra.....aaaa....aaa..aa.aa... whaaaaaaaat.....
Bu Yuni was coming and she said Ngapain kamu disini? muka lusuh, rambut ga disisir, pasti kamu blm mandi kan?????? Pasti baru nyampe kan???
I answered: Ya Bu, saya mau mandi disini saja bu.
Bu yuni: ya silahkan mandi di kamar mandi..seblm saya pingsan nt.
(I went to toilet and pretended taking a bath, I just cleaned my face)
I went to upstair and entered her office. I was very lucky because she handed all what I need. Ok that is so nice at the time. About one hour, she ask me: have you had lunch???
I answered: No....Mom....(wkkwwwk)
Suddenly she said, Ok let's go to have lunch together. What a beautiful voice.
I was very happy and jumped up and down. Today is so perfect.
I followed her toward FX city mall and loked for the some foods what we like. We had lunch together and talked anything so much more.
Conclusion of what we talked on the table is "she said to me you must be thankful to God for what you have till today".
To be continued.....
I am so sleepy.....I just learned english, so don't mock me....and Tschussssss
vielen dank
Peace and love.
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